Tampereen yliopisto: Brand experience in retailing (5op)
Jakson sisältö
The course familiarizes students with the role of brand management and the power of creating superior brand experiences in today’s competitive, global retail environment. The course introduces key concepts of retail brand experience including retail brand strategy, experience dimensions, customer journeys and brand touchpoints, brand communication, brand loyalty and brand co-creation. The course gives students insights on how to build attractive, omnichannel brand concepts and how to co-create retail brands that resonate with customers.
Jakson tavoitteet
After completing the course, the student has an understanding of the value of branding and creating superior brand experiences as part of today’s retail management. The student can identify the variety of touchpoints that customers have with the brand over their customer journey. Furthermore, the student is able to develop and plan these touchpoints to enable superior customer experiences.
- Moodle-oppimisympäristössä tapahtuva, itsenäisesti suoritettava verkkokurssi
- Sisältää valmiita opetusvideoita ja lukemistoa
- Kurssi suoritetaan minitentein sekä kurssin lopussa palautettavan videotehtävän muodossa
Opintojakson toteutusaika
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